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Video games, everything fro interactive games like DDR and Guitar Hero to MMORPG's. The members of YamiYuki are huge gamers. Imi plays mostly Guitar Hero and gameboy games. Kaggi plays DDR, Osu!, UltraStar, StarCraft and more. Misaki plays Project Diva, Final Fantasy, MineCraft and more. And I'm not even gonna start with Matthew and Amrehasu. Here you can read about out individual opinions on gaming graphics, game play and 2D vs. 3D.

Feel free to message us. We would love to hear opinions, whether you agree with our opinions or disagree. We will try to keep up to date with gaming new and relay our information to you guys. I think we should start a discussion board, don't you? 



Games I have played:

2D vs. 3D: I personally


Pokemon X&Y:

2D vs. 3D: I personally like both, there are aspects of both that I really enjoy. I like the classic 2 dimensisional games just as much as the next person, they are what I grew up with my childhood if you will. I also love the technilogical advances seen in today's 3-D games, the graphics are mind blowing and I look forward to what comes out next.

Pokemon X&Y:


Games I have Played:

Dance Dance Revolution (arcade,PS2)

Mine Craft (PC)

Final Fantasy (PS2, DS, PlayStaion)

Osu! (PC)

Project Diva (PSP)

UltraStar Deluxe (PC)

Sonic the Hedgehog (SEGA Genesis)

Zelda: Ocrina of Time (Game Cube, DS)


I've played many other games but there are too may to list at this time.


2D vs. 3D: I personally like 2D better, not saying that the graphics are amazing. I kinda like the old pixalated 8bit games. Plus the music in older games are better in my opinion and get stuck in your head for weeks.

Pokemon X&Y: I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna like, but I won't knock it until I try it. I say this because I really did not like Black&White. Not saying it's a horrible game don't play, I just prefer the game play in the older pokemon games. To be honest I didn't like Diamond much when it came out, but now I've played it at least 100x.


Games I have played:

Dance Dance Revolution (arcade,PS2,XBOX366)

Starcraft 1&2 (PC)

Red Alert III - Command and Conquer (PC)

Osu! (PC)

UltraStar Deluxe (PC)

Age of Empires 1,2 & 3 + expansion Asian Dynasties (PC)

Caesar III (PC)

Sonic - genesis games only (SEGA Genesis)

Street Fight (SEGA Genesis)

Mortal Kombat (Arcade, PlasyStation)

CRASH (PlayStation)

...... Gonna Stop there.....The list is too long >.<

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